Flobo Boyce: 21 Days Without Caffeine – Week 3

by Flobo Boyce

Day 15

The average workday is nine hours, give or take. We used to live in an eight-hour workday environment but that seems to be on the way out. Throw in commuting times and winding down, and you could be putting up to 12 hours a day on your job. Well, what if you work a 12 hour shift? That’s what I did today, and because of that today was all about riding out the peeks and valleys. The problem is, there’s a crapload more valleys when you’re not on the Rocket Fuel. The days are long, and the office kitchen always seems to have a brand new pot of coffee on the maker. I started walking around the building and surrounding streets when I began to crash, but not when important people at my job were looking, obviously. I would stand over my chair, and control my breaths. Like a hunger pang, the feeling will eventually pass but not before having me wishing I had a nice little siesta.

 Day 16

After working the long shift from yesterday, I promised my friend I would help him out on a little short film he was directing in San Diego. A two-hour drive from Los Angeles, it’s already a challenge despite the fact I was running on three hours of rest. I think today was the hardest day for me, because I was hit with an event that disrupted my routine. With that sort of thing spinning out of control, I tended to lean on caffeine to help me “ride out” the day. I realize that’s the first sign of any addiction, but there is no other way to describe it. The lack of sleep plays with me on the set as the sensitivity to light tends to be rather difficult in patches.  I eventually make it through the day, but not before seriously considering “cheating” and grabbing an energy drink.  To be honest, this blog was the major reason why I didn’t do it.

“I’ve come this far to start over, dood,” I said to myself.

Day 17

I luckily got some sleep in to offset the past couple of days, but not enough to “satisfy” the Sandman. I’m moving slower, but I’m on the mend.  I remember the days when I would have to stay up writing term papers. I came across chocolate covered espresso beans for the first time. Let me just say this, all of my term papers were always handed in on time. Zoooooom!

But alas, they are just a fantasy today.

Chocolate Covered Espresso Beans

 Day 18

I can see the finish line and in an ironic twist, even though I know there’s only a few days left I didn’t think about the good stuff for the majority of the day.  I avoided the big relapse of the weekend by the skin of my teeth, and I am ready to celebrate with a sparkling water. Here Here!

Day 19

Have you seen this quiz that asks “Which has more caffeine?”


I think I did pretty well for myself. How do you stack up?

Day 20

Peer Pressure. Today, I met a friend for coffee at the local Starbucks. “Going for Coffee” is a very yuppie thing to do, especially here in Los Angeles. It gives people a chance to catch up out and about the town for cheap.  Imagine the odd look I got when I opted to pick a flavored soda from the coffee chains’ small refrigerator.  Explaining the 21 Day project I was on was enough for the topic to be dropped, but I couldn’t help feel a bit weird about my selection. It reminds me of a colleague of mine who doesn’t drink, but likes to go to bars “for the atmosphere” and “it’s not a big deal” to him. I used to mock him about that, but now I can’t anymore.

Day 21

That’s all she wrote! This guy has crossed the finish line! And unlike the time when I ran my first half-marathon, I’m not going to have the weird urge to cry. This has been a crazy experience as I went from “Three weeks? No problem.” to “What the hell was I thinking?” to “Things are looking up” to “Need. Rocket Fuel, now!”

The biggest thing I’ve learned is that we are fully entrenched in a caffeine culture; there is no doubt about it. The second thing I learned on the way is that it’s true when they say you have to take things one day at a time.

Now for the juicy stuff: Will I continue and cut caffeine out of my life completely? To be honest, I don’t think that’s the case. I think I am in a stronger position to skip days without the stuff if necessary, however. Progress! I think I put myself in the favorable position to not be that guy who needs three cups of coffee at the start of the day to get going. As for meeting friends at the local black gold watering hole, I say why not? That way I can say that I drink coffee “socially”.

A big thanks goes out to Amanda for allowing me to hijack her blog with my zany exploits. This non-caffeinated sparkling water is for you! This has been a great experience. Imagine how you can change your life in twenty-one days.


Flobo Boyce – Writer. Filmmaker. Polymath. Brooklyn Ambassador. FroYo Addict. Flobo likes to talk and loves to write. Check out his blog, Flobito.com. You may get a FroYo date out of it.

See more posts from Flobo Boyce

Flobo Boyce: 21 Days Without Caffeine – Week 2

by Flobo Boyce

Day 8

There’s a certain subculture that gets attached to caffeine drinkers. You can be “extreme” with Monster. You can sip on your latte and discuss life with your significant other at Starbucks. Heck, you can even go back to doing thirty things at once with 5-hour energy. There really isn’t an identity for people who abstain from the stuff. Not saying I’m grasping at straws looking for an identity, but it’s been something to consider.

Day 9

I guess not having all of those Monsters (or exercising more in an effort to increase energy), I’ve benefitted by losing three pounds this week. Can’t say it’s the start of the “anti-caffeine diet”, but I think it’s a cool little factoid. The ironic thing is that some weight loss supplements have caffeine in them for energy.

Day 10

Like how a smoker chews gum to help them get over cravings, I’ve taken to drinking sparkling water to the same effect. Now, while a stick of gum can range from anywhere from 2 to 9 cents a stick, a can of sparkling water is starting to add up. At least I can benefit from favoring a no-calorie drink. It would really suck if I was drowning my sorrows in milkshakes or something. Perrier, Voss, Pellegrino, this guy doesn’t discriminate. However, I’ve been partial to La Croix sparkling water. Why? There’s always a huge display at the store, and everyone knows huge displays are the key to getting me to buy stuff.

Day 11

Tailgating. Before a sporting event it’s a time to eat, drink and be merry. I was at the Home Depot Center today, with plans on cheering the LA Galaxy. Though the temptation was there to chug down a Coke with a side Mountain Dew, I opted to ride out the natural energy coming from the excitement of the upcoming game. I think it’s getting easier for me to decline caffeine wholesale as the days go on.  As I spent the two hours of the game cheering, my voice had become hoarse. Usually I would swing by the coffee shop for a large one to help soothe the pain, but this go around I decided to tough it out.

 Day 12

A wise man once told me you only notice people on the street in relationships when you are single. Well, I guess caffeine and me are officially “broken up” because I see that lady everywhere. Coffees, teas, energy supplements, and hell, even energy gum. The whole thing is becoming borderline comical.  I wouldn’t be surprised at a restaurant a waiter comes to my table with a giant peppercorn grinder and asks “Would you like caffeine with that?”

The Oatmeal: The 5 Phases of Caffeine Intake

Day 13

I was checking out a (CNBC) documentary about the history of Coca-Cola on Netflix today, and I was surprisingly entertained. One of the facts about coke that gets passed around is that the original formula contained extracts from the coca leaf, which essentially means cocaine was floating around in your drink. Imagine if that sort of thing was still legal. Would caffeine be nearly as important in our culture today? Sure there would be coffee, but I wonder if drinking a can of Monster with coca would be considered an innovative form of suicide.

Day 14

While working at my desk, I had been so used to grabbing a drink and going. Obviously, this has changed over the past two weeks. So what do I do when I start to crash when working? Exercise. Well, more accurately “deskercise”.  There are now interludes when I stand, twist, run in place, and (if I’m in the mood) a couple of pushups. It helps gives a boost, and I’m not sure how it matches up to a Red Bull short term, it at less makes me feel less guilty when I’m stuffing my face at lunchtime.


Flobo Boyce – Writer. Filmmaker. Polymath. Brooklyn Ambassador. FroYo Addict. Flobo likes to talk and loves to write. Check out his blog, Flobito.com. You may get a FroYo date out of it.
See more posts from Flobo Boyce

Flobo Boyce: 21 Days Without Caffeine – Week 1

by Flobo Boyce

Day One

The cliché is that you have to take “one day at a time”. Well right now I’m looking at the entire journey. Three weeks?! What did I (voluntarily) sign up for? Caffeine is Hollywood Fuel. (Not to be confused with cocaine, that’s Hollywood Turbo).  It’s going to be a challenge, going without the little pick me ups that I’ve grown accustomed to. With a deep breath I say that I’m ready. Let’s do this.

Day Two

As a writer, some of the best times of the day is when I get to leave my computer and go for a walk downtown. For some reason I figured just walking around would be “weird” so I worked that into a late night coffee run. Most times after eight, I would either head to Coffee Bean (the closest), Starbucks (open later) or McDonald’s (cheapest brew) for a cup of joe. But without picking up coffee, coffee runs are pretty ineffective.  I’m trying to learn to put my walks back on courses to nowhere, though I feel weird doing it.

Day Three


Hey do you remember Surge? When I was a kid, I could remember Surge being the first beverage I drank for the energy. However, if you know anything about kids, is that they don’t really need an energy boost. After downing a can of one of these bad boys, I was INVINCIBLE. That is until I crashed from the sugar high and wanted to do nothing more than nap. Even then knowing something wasn’t on the level, I gave the drink up and it was discontinued soon after.

So why did I wake up this morning craving Surge?

Day Four

That 3PM feeling. Your body simply wants to shut down, and you can forget about being mentally productive.  It sucks, and I’m sure it happens to everyone.  I find myself doing something I’d never thought I do. Naps. Being tired in the early afternoon is bad enough, but when your body is dependent on caffeine for that extra charge—and there is none—you feel doubly worse (was that newspeak? I don’t even know). I’m not a “napper”, so after I have one I feel even groggier than before. Maybe it’s a sign of withdrawal I don’t know.

Day Five

Besides the groggy feeling, there’s that feeling that you wasted a part of your day when you take a nap. I  know this now. I read an article on the Men’s Health magazine website about alternative ways to beat the afternoon blahs. They claim that the receptors in our brain responsible for being awake also respond well to the smell/taste of peppermint and/or citrus. I went out and bought a carton of Orange Juice, let’s see if I have to break the proverbial emergency glass with it.

Men’s Health: Avoid Your Afternoon Crash

Day Six

Oh great, another Men’s Health article that claims that caffeine (along with exercise) can help prevent certain types of skin cancer. These articles were never out when I was chugging back Monsters like they were tap water oh no. The good news is that I think I’m on the mend when it comes to energy levels, with “level” being the operative word. My 3PM crashes aren’t nearly as bad and there isn’t a need to nap. On the other hand, I’m not exactly busting down walls with my hyperactivity either.

Men’s Health: The Easiest Ways to Beat Skin Cancer

Day Seven

The morning cravings are starting to subside as well. This is good, because I figured I was into a morning cup of Joe just because people “did it”. I know, I’m such a sheep. Today, I went to the gym caffeine-less ad had myself a little boxing session. There is little pockets of energy I didn’t know I had, so maybe doing away of caffeine would put me on the right track. Who knows?

 Flobo Boyce – Writer. Filmmaker. Polymath. Brooklyn Ambassador. FroYo Addict. Flobo likes to talk and loves to write. Check out his blog, Flobito.com. You may get a FroYo date out of it.
See more posts from Flobo Boyce