21 Days Without Makeup – Day 21

by Amanda Ahmad

Ok I’ve been really lazy this past week.  My 21 Days Without Makeup have clearly been up, however I still haven’t worn makeup!

Color Run w/ Christi – Day 21 Without Makeup

I thought I’d go out with a bang for my last day without makeup.  Instead of makeup I ran the Color Run and ended up looking like I jumped into a pool of tie dye paint.  It’s not makeup, it’s colored powder — so much better.

Amanda Ahmad works in the entertainment industry to get things on TV for you to watch.  She’s a small-town Pennsylvania native, but has settled in quite well into LA Life. You can follow her randomness on twitter.

21 Days Without Makeup – Day 20

by Amanda Ahmad

Trader Joe's Face Moisturizer with 15 SPF, saving my face without makeup!

Got myself a much-needed moisturizer with 15 SPF from Trader Joe’s today.  By the look of my slightly rosy cheeks I should’ve had it on earlier in the day.  Just goes to show that sun rays really do make it through the haze.  Reminder to all – wear sunscreen every day, the sun is stronger than clouds.



 Amanda Ahmad works in the entertainment industry to get things on TV for you to watch.  She’s a small-town Pennsylvania native, but has settled in quite well into LA Life. You can follow her randomness on twitter.

21 Days Without Makeup – Day 17

by Amanda Ahmad


 Amanda Ahmad works in the entertainment industry to get things on TV for you to watch.  She’s a small-town Pennsylvania native, but has settled in quite well into LA Life. You can follow her randomness on twitter.

21 Days Without Makeup – Day 16

by Amanda Ahmad

Day 16 of 21!

It’s very interesting to me what makeup really means to our society.  I’ve had a lot of girls love the idea of never wearing makeup and a couple of guys say they prefer girls without makeup.  I always assumed that I look better with makeup on, but now I’m questioning whether going natural is actually prettier.  Do guys prefer the “natural beauty” or does makeup really make that much of a difference?  If guys do prefer makeup, what does that say when they’re in a serious relationship with someone?  Eventually their significant other is going to be sans makeup – does that make them unattractive after a shower or when waking up next to them in bed?

I came across an article on Yahoo about a girl before and after makeup and it’s again linked to Reddit.  Except instead of super models this started off as a single photo posted straight to Reddit titled “The Power of Makeup”.  It was originally posted last December, but is getting buzz again.

"The Power of Makeup" via Yahoo/Reddit

 Amanda Ahmad works in the entertainment industry to get things on TV for you to watch.  She’s a small-town Pennsylvania native, but has settled in quite well into LA Life. You can follow her randomness on twitter.

21 Days Without Makeup – Day 15

Day 15 Without Makeup

Day 15 Without Makeup and I’m still loving it.  It’s easy to get ready in the morning and if I’m really lazy I’ll put my hair back with the same exact headband every time.  (Maybe I should start changing that up a bit – I’m really thinking that headband makes my forehead look HUGE)  After two weeks without makeup I definitely feel more confident.  Actually I don’t really think too much of it anymore, although I do think I look younger without it.


Amanda Ahmad works in the entertainment industry to get things on TV for you to watch.  She’s a small-town Pennsylvania native, but has settled in quite well into LA Life. You can follow her randomness on twitter.

21 Days Without Makeup – Day 14

Sweating at Runyon without makeup with my fearless makeup-free friend Natalie Thai.



Amanda Ahmad works in the entertainment industry to get things on TV for you to watch.  She’s a small-town Pennsylvania native, but has settled in quite well into LA Life. You can follow her randomness on twitter.

21 Days Without Makeup – Day 13

Seriously, it takes me 3 minutes to get ready after a shower and that includes picking out what I'm wearing and scrunching my hair.
If you're one to spend an hour getting ready in the morning with makeup and hair, try this. It'll change your view on it all.